PPP Bumps Pearly Penile Papules Home Treatment Hirsuties Coronae Glandis

In this article we will explore different holistic home remedies for healing PPP Bumps in the privacy of home. But before divulging all these important and working home based solution for this queer looking penis it is important to discuss your problem with your physician. If your doctor says these tags are Hirsuties Coronae Glandis which is the medical term for pearly penile papules then you can use these home remedies for healing your penis.

In a Hurry?

If you don’t have much time and just want to get rid of Pearly Penile Papules in Just 3 Days then you will find this holistic and home based program just amazing. Click On the Image Below to Know What’s this 3 Days Pearly Penile Papules Elimination System!

PPP Bumps Pearly Penile Papules Home Treatment

What are PPP Bumps?

PPP are basically small tags, bumps or protrusions exist around the corona area of male sex organ. They can exist is form of row or rows around the rim of penis’ head there are also in some people exist on either side of the frenulum. These small bumps are painless and the sufferer never feels their existence because of the pain. It is actually skin disorder of the male sex organ. It is not a serious skin disease such as genital herpes and genital warts.

PPP Bumps Pearly Penile Papules Home Treatment Hirsuties Coronae Glandis

IS Pearly Penile Papules STD?

STD stands for sexually transmitted disease. Pearly penile papule is not a STD like genital warts and genital herpes. It is not contagious. There is no risk involved in sexual relationship.

Causes Of PPP?

There is no obvious reason for PPP but some medical experts say they are blocked sebaceous glands.

Why The Sufferer Wants To Remove It?

The simple answer is self-esteem. As we already discussed this is a simple skin disorder, no risk associated with, the sufferer can leave a normal and painless life but he has to face one problem that is psychological one. The sufferer‘s self-esteem is badly affected by this strange looking of his penis. The girls are not willing to have sexual relationship with person having this disease because they think the person has some type of sexually transmitted disease. Further the abnormal looking shape of penis also distracts grills from having relationship with him. This is the reason the patient wants to get rid of these papules.

As in this article we will restrict our discussion to just home remedies and medical solution for PPP is discussed in other places in this website.

As far as home remedies are concerned there are two types;

  • Traditional Slow Working Home Remedies
  • Improvised Fast Home Remedies

Traditional Slow Working Home Remedies

Traditional slow home remedies are also highly effective for eliminating PPP but they require lot of patience and consistency. Slow doesn’t mean that they will not work, they will definitely work but you have to follow your home treatment system for weeks and months. The following are some of these home remedies;

  • Castor Oil

Castor oil is one of the beneficial natural panaceas for treating different skin issues. It is used for different skin and other internal disease; it also produces best results for treating pearly penile papules. For this healing process you just required a bottle of castor oil and some cotton swabs.

It is important to properly wash the affected area with warm water and some quality antibacterial soap. Then thoroughly dry it. After cleaning the PPP area then apply a generous amount of castor oil on the affected area. For getting maximum benefits from this home remedy it is important to repeat the process three to four times a day. It will work but take time; you have to check the condition of your papules after some days. It will work but in slow fashion so patience and regularity is important.

  • Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA):-

Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA) is working home remedy. AHA is used for different skin related problems such as brown spots, discoloration and acne. As we know AHA is also used in different medical procedures. The AHA used in medical procedures is strong while in this home remedy you will use a mild form of this substance.

In this home remedy you have to apply a small amount of Alpha Hydroxyl Acid cream on the affected. Take care and avoid its use on other area. After the application of this Alpha Hydroxyl Acid cream there is occurrence of some swelling and the bump will start to peel off. It is important to not pick them let them to fall by themselves to avoid scary marks.

  • Toothpaste PPP Treatment

Toothpaste comes with drying properties; is used for treating different skin related issues such as acne.  You will also found it effective for healing PPP. In this simple home remedy you have to apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the affected area at night time before going to bed and leave it without bandage. In morning wash it and next night repeat the process again.  Repeat this process for 3 to 4 weeks. After some days you will feel the change.

  • Tea Tree Oil PPP Treatment

Tea tree oil is used for treating eczema and some other skin related diseases. So you will also get benefits from it for treating this skin issue. For this process you need a tea tree oil bottle and cotton swabs.

Before applying the tea tree oil on this affected area wash it with warm water and antibacterial soap. Dry it and then apply tea tree oil with help of cotton swab on the affected area. Repeat this process three to four times per day for optimum benefits. Continue this process for some weeks to see the results. Patience and consistency is important!

Improvised and Fast Home Remedies for Healing Pearly Penile Papules

In the above lines we mentioned some of the working home remedies. You might notice these home remedies require lot of patience and consistency. But the good news is that there are some fast working home remedies as well which can eliminate these PPP BUMPS in Just 2 to 3 Days. If you want to bring back your vital sex organ into original girls loving shape in just 3 days then click on this link How To Eliminate Pearly Penile Papules In Just 3 Days In Privacy Of Your Own Home!