How To Get Rid Of Pearly Papules Naturally

PPP or pearly penile papules are small white colored tags/domes appear around the penis of the affected person. PPP is not a STD (sexually transmitted disease) like herpes and genital warts. So there is no risk involved in having sex with your partner without taking any safety measures. Mostly it is confused with STDs because of its strange appearance.

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How To Get Rid Of Pearly Papules Naturally

What’s PPP (Pearly Penile Papules)?

PPP are basically small and white colored protrusions/ domes / tags exist around the penis of the affected person. In majority of cases these small tags appear around the rim of the penis head in rows while in some cases they also exist on either side of the frenulum. PPP is not considered a disease by medical expert, it is painless skin condition, it is not a STD. There is no medical evidence about the cause of it, any person can be affected by this skin condition. It is totally an internal body phenomenon; there is no involvement of the external agent, it is a bacterial or viral disease so there is no risk your sexual partner will be affected by it. PPP doesn’t affect the sufferer life as far as pain is concerned but only way it will influence your life is social and psychological; as your sex organ is not looking like normal and you might not feeling good when you expose your this body part to your partner.

Causes Of Pearly Penile Papules

As we known the PPP is a painless skin condition, not a STD but there is not scientific knowledge about the actual cause of this disease. The number of these white color domes some diminishes with passage of time and totally cleared out without any obvious reason. And there are also times when they increase in numbers without any specific reason. So it is important for the sufferer to cope with these fluctuations.

Protection From Pearly Penile Papules

There is no known exact cause of PPP so there is no specific ways of protecting yourself form this skin condition. Although some experts believe that people without circumcision have greater chances of having this skin condition.

Treatment For PPP

Pearly Penile Papule is a painless condition; not affecting sufferer day to day life so you can leave it as, without taking any step to remove these tags from your penis. If you want to remove it from penis then you can go for medical and home based treatment.

Natural Home Remedies For Healing Pearly Penile Papules

Castor Oil:-

Castor oil is being used for treatment of different health issues. It is also beneficial for treating PPP. You just need some cotton swabs and a bottle of castor oil for this healing method.


It is important to adequately wash the affected area with some quality antibacterial soap plus warm water. Then thoroughly dry the area affected washing it. It is also important that you apply ample amount of castor oil to PPP area. If you want to eliminate the papules in quick span of time it is important to apply plentiful amount of castor oil to the pear penile papules. After using castor oil on the affected with help of cotton swabs let it as without using any bandage. Furthermore for achieving maximum benefits from this castor oil home remedies it is also important to apply it three to four times a day, every time leave it as without using any bandage. It is not a quick healing process; it will take time and will not show its effect in two or three days, use it regularly, patience is important!

Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA) Healing Method For Pear Penile Papules:

AHA or Alpha Hydroxyl Acid is a famous chemical substance and is being used for different skin related issues such as acne, discoloration and brown spots. In its powerful form it is used in medical treatment but in its mild form this chemical substance can also be home based treatment.


In this method mild AHA (Alpha Hydroxyl Acid) cream is applied to the PPP. You must be careful when applying Alpha Hydroxyl Acid cream; use small quantity of it and be careful to apply it only to the affected area; there is a risk if you apply it to unaffected area.

For getting optimum benefits from this method it is important to apply Alpha Hydroxyl Acid cream twice a day for some days until the area is perfectly clean. The affected area will show some swelling after application of AHA cream and the bump will start to peel off. Don’t try to pick them let them to fall all by themselves to avoid scary marks.

Tooth Method For Eliminating PPP:-

In this home remedies common toothpaste is used for removing PPP. Common toothpaste comes with dry properties so it is high effective against skin conditions such as acne. Because of its drying properties it is also found beneficial for healing pearly penile papules.

In this home based remedy a thin layer of toothpaste is applied to the affected area. For achieving optimum benefits from this toothpaste method it is important to apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the affected area before going to bed and in the morning wash it thoroughly. This is also a slow healing process and will show its effects after 2 to 3 weeks patience and regularity is important.

Medical Methods Of Removing PPP


PPP is not an age specific skin condition; it can affect a person in any age but the majority of people are affected by it in age range of 20 to 30 years. Scientific evidence is available that circumcised men have less chance of occurrence when compared to uncircumcised. This is the reason that some doctors suggest circumcision for treating this skin condition. But circumcision is also not a 100% reliable solution and the sufferer can again have this condition even after circumcision. As we know circumcision is a painful experience and the bad thing is that it is not 100% guaranteed solution.

PPP CO2 Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is the most widely used method for removing PPP. As Pearly Penile Papule is not a disease but a minor skin issue so laser is the affect way of removing it. As far as laser treatment is concerned there are different methods available, the most common one is the CO2 laser treatment. In CO2 laser treatment the affected area is bombarded to dissolve the bumps. But it is important to properly discuss and analyze the pros and cons of laser technology.

Disadvantages of CO2 Laser Treatment:-

  • The surgical procedure is painless but once the anesthesia faded the patient will feel pain.
  • The recovery process can be lengthy; the recovery period can be week or even moth.
  • Financial consideration is also important; CO2 treatment cost, medicine etc.
  • The last but not the least, discuss the chances of success with your physician.
  • In this method of removing PP anesthesia is need. Lidocaine is used for anesthesia. So it is important to discuss it with your doctor to check the effects of Lidocaine on your body. It is important to apply it to less sensitive part of your body such as hand and see the effects, also check the allergic symptoms.

Other Surgical Options Availble:

  1. Cryosurgery or Freezing
  2. Electro-desiccation with Curettage using Hyfrecator
  3. Radiosurgery
  4. Excisional Surgery

Note*: CO2 laser treatment is the most reliable method and is most widely used.