Pearly Penile Papules

First of all Pearly Penile Papules in not a STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), so you can enjoy your sexual life without bothering any safety measure for the sake of your partner as far as this the condition is concerned. But all the sufferers well aware of the impacts of this pestering effecting their whole life especially sex life, devastate the sufferer’s self-confidence and their sex life, unhealthy looking sex organ is something for which your partner will be hardly prepared to have sex. So in this article we will explore this conditions, the possible solutions to get rid of it, the emphasis will be on harmless, cheap home remedies, as home remedies in this case are effective, with no side effects and also intact the privacy of the sufferer.

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What’s Pearly Penile Papules?

Basically these are small white colored domes, protrusions or tags they exist around the penis gland. They exist in rows around the rim of the penis’ head and sometime may also appear on either side of the frenulum. Because of their appearance they small time confused with STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) such as herpes and genital warts. In simple words it is a skin condition, only affects skin and under and not a disease at all. It is a skin condition and they developed without any help from external agents.


Pearly Penile Papules


As we know this is not a STD but there are no scientific evidence exits about the actual cause of this penis affecting condition. Furthermore with passage of time Pearly Penile Papules (PPP) decreases significantly and sometime totally healed. There will be time when there are less number of these unwanted things but there are some bad time when these bumps significantly increases in number. So for the sufferer it is important to cope with these fluctuations.


As there is no clear cause of this skin condition so you can take specific measure to avoid this issue. Some researchers suggest that this condition is more common in uncircumcised men so circumcision might be a solution to prevent its occurrence.

How to Live With PPP?

The first and important step if you want to live with this condition is to avoid stress, anxiety because of anomalous look of your penis. Male suffering from this condition may feel inferior in front of those who haven’t this problem. These feelings might adversely affect your sex drive and your relationship with your partner.

If you can’t afford expensive surgery then the best advice for them is to love your body and take pride in it. Some of the partners of the sufferers even feel that their partner PPP enhances receptive sexual sensations.


As we know this is not a disease it is just skin condition with which you can spend your life without any problem, so it is your choice to go for a treatment or leave it. But the main problem associated with this condition is it related to important part of your sex organ, being not an STD but you may feel shy to when your partner notice it, may be embarrassing, and it can reduce the sexual attraction your partner feels about you, our sexual experience wants everything to be phantasmagoric . So keep things in perfection position you have to need to do something to curtail or eliminate the existence of it. O first we will explore extreme treatment and then we will move to the more suitable methods “home remedies”.

Medical Treatments For Pearly Penile Papules


Is Circumcision Going to Treat the Pearly Penile Papules?

PPP is most common in people in range 20 to 30 years but it is not necessary and some people come across this condition even in different ages. It is true that circumcised men have less frequency of this problem when compared to uncircumcised men. For this reason some doctors advised their patients to go for circumcision but it is not a 100% guaranteed solution- as even after circumcision some patients again have this condition. Circumcision is a painful experience and there is no guarantee that you might not have this problem again.

Pearly Penile Papules CO2 Laser Treatment

As we know pearly penile papules are actually small bumps of flesh which appear on the heat of male sex organ. The one of the medical treatment for this unwanted situation is laser treatment. As it is basically a skin condition and not a disease so laser treatment is one of the best options to eliminate it. Medical professionals use different types of laser technologies for achieving this objective but the best one is CO2 laser treatment. In this medical procedure the affected area is bombarded with laser for dissolving the bumps. But it is vital to properly explore the pros and cons of this technique; as it brings some good but also have bad effects as well.

Disadvantages of CO2 Laser Treatment for PPP:-

  1. This laser based surgery is performed while the affected area is numbed. Lidocaine is an anesthetic substance used for this numbness. So it is important to ask your physician to check your body for reaction to this substance. Check it on your hand or other less sensitive body parts and see the reaction of your body to it. So make sure that there is not allergic symptoms occurrence.
  2. During surgery you will not feel any kind of pain but when you anesthesia effects will fade away the pain will start.
  3. The recovery process will take week or in some cases even month
  4. Financial aspect consideration is also important; so you must be prepared for cost of the surgery, post-surgery expensive for purchasing different types of medicines.
  5. It is also important to discuss the chances of success with your doctor.

Other types of surgery include;

  1. Radiosurgery
  2. Excisional Surgery
  3. Electro-desiccation with Curettage using Hyfrecator
  4. Cryosurgery or Freezing

But the results of CO2 Laser Treatment are more accurate and so it is the  most widely used method.

Let’s Now Move on How to Get Rid of PPP at Home?

#1 Castor Oil:-

For all those PPP sufferers looking for an effective home based remedies then they should purchase a bottle of castor oil plus some cotton swabs.


First wash the affected area through and pat it dry. Then use the cotton swab to apply the castor oil the affected area. Use ample quantity of castor oil, and then leave the air without bandage it. To see the effects of this method it is recommended to at least use this it three times a day or even four times in case the problem is sever.

This is a slow working process so you will not notice the results in one or two days but you have to wait for some days to see the improvements. Be patient and regularly use this treatment three to four times daily

#2 Alpha Hydroxyl Acid:-

AHA or Alpha Hydroxyl is well known for its healing effects for conditions such as brown spots, discolorations or acne. This substance is used in medical treatment and also can be used in home treatment. The difference between home treatment and medical use of this substance is the concentration level. For treating PPP you can use low concentration AHA based cream to affected area. It is important to use low small quantity of cream and only apply it to affected area. There is the risk of applying it to unaffected area.

This treatment should be repeated twice a day until the affected area become clean. After application of this AHA based cream the affected area shows some swelling and the bump will start to peel off. Don’t try to pick them let them to fall all by themselves to avoid scary marks.

#3 Toothpaste:-

Common toothpaste is another home remedy of removing Pearly Penile Papules. Toothpaste comes with extreme dry properties, a solution being used for different skin conditions such as acne. So its efficacy is also established for healing PPP.

Procedure: just apply a thin layer of toothpaste to affected area before going to bed and wash it in morning. Continue it for 2 to 3 weeks and you will notice the results.

#4 Castor Oil:-

Castor oil is one the important remedies used for healing different health issues.


For achieving optimum benefits from this way of treating PPP it is important to wash the affected area thoroughly with antibacterial soap plus warm water. Also make sure the affected area is completely dry before applying castor oil. Another important thing is the amount of the castor oil; you shouldn’t be stingy and also sufficient amount of it for showing great improvements. The more castor oil you apply, the bigger the chances of making the papules vanish faster. This process must be repeated three to 4 times daily.

#5 Tea Tree Oil Method for Treating Pearly Penile Papules:-

Another widely used home based treatment for pearly penile papules is tea tree oil. As this oil is used for other skin condition such as eczema so people are using it for treating this skin condition as well with high degree of success.

The things you need for this treatment is cotton swabs and a small bottle of tea tree oil both of which can be found in local stores.


Before apply this oil to affected area it is important to thoroughly clean the area with warm water plus antibacterial soap so there is no other substance in between the oil and PPP. You should put a small quantity of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and apply gently it to affected area. This process should be repeated three to four times daily. It is important to make a schedule for it such as; in morning, at lunch time and in the evening.