How to Cure PPP at Home?

In this article we will explore some the home based remedies for healing PPP at home. But before using this home based natural remedies for healing pearly penile papules it is important to check whether it is pearly penile papules or not.

What’s Pearly Penile Papules?

In this skin condition there are small white colored domes, tags or protrusions exist around the penis gland. These small white colored domes or tags exist in rows around the rim of the penis’ head and there are also in some people exist on either side of the frenulum. But the good news is that PPP is not a STD (sexually transmitted disease) such as genital warts and herpes. Because of the appearance of pearly penile papules they are sometime confused with STDs. In plain words it is not a disease at all. It is a simple skin condition and appear on human skin without the help of any external agents such bacteria or virus. So there is no chance of this disease transmission through anyway.

How to Cure PPP at Home?

As we known PPP is not a STD but there is no scientific clue about the cause of this skin condition. PPP sometime decreases with passage of time and in some people it totally cured without any medication. Sometime the number of these papules drastically reduces and there are also sometimes when they suddenly increases in number. So for the sufferer it is important to cope with fluctuations.

Home Remedies For Healing Pearly Penile Papules

Castor Oil:-

If you are suffering from PPP and want to heal with help of home based remedies then castor oil is one of the trusted solutions. You just need a bottle of castor oil and some cotton swabs.


Before starting this home based healing process wash the affected area thoroughly and pat it dry. Then with help of cotton swab apply the castor oil to the affected area. Use generous amount of castor oil and then leave the area uncovered without any bandage. Three to four times daily treatment is recommended to see it the effects. As this is a natural remedy so will not see quick effects, it is important to wait for some days to see the improvements. Regularly use castor oil three to four times daily and be patient!

Alpha Hydroxyl Acid:-

In this homed method of healing pearly penile papules AHA or Alpha Hydroxyl is used. AHA is best known for its amazing effects on conditions such as acne, brown spots and discoloration. This useful substance is used in medical procedures but it can also be used for home based treatment of different skin issues. The basic difference between the Alpha Hydroxyl used in medical places and home is that home based Alpha Hydroxyl is weak with low concentration level. So you can use low concentration Alpha Hydroxyl for treating your PPP. It is important to use a small quantity of this cream and must only be applied to the affected area. This procedure should be repeated twice a day until the area affected by PPP becomes clean. After use Alpha Hydroxyl Acid based cream the affected area shows some swelling and the bump will start to peel off. Don’t try to pick them allow them to fall all by themselves to avoid scary marks.


Another home remedy for removing PPP is the common toothpaste. As we known toothpaste comes with extreme dry attributes so it is being used for different skin issues such as acne. So you can use it for removing pearly penile papules also.

Its application is simple just apply a thin layer of common toothpaste on affected area at night before going to bed and allow it for the whole night to work on. In the morning wash it. For getting optimum benefit from this method it is important to use it for 2 to 3 weeks.

Tea Tree Oil Method for Treating Pearly Penile Papules:-

Tea tree oil is another method for healing PPP. This oil is used for other skin condition for example eczema with high degree of success. You just need cotton swabs and a small bottle of tea tree oil.

Before using this oil for treating PPP it is necessary to clean the area with warm water plus antibacterial soap. The cleaning is necessary so there is no other thing between PPP and oil. Apply a small quantity of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and then apply gently it on the affected area. For getting optimum benefit from this method it is important to use this procedure three to four times a day.

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