PPP or Pearly Penile Papule is not an STD (sexually Transmitted Disease). It exhibits the look of an STD but it is not, there is no issue of having sex with person having PPP on his penis. PPP is a painless skin condition which affects the sufferer’s penis corona and appears in form of domes, bumps/tags. It is totally different case from STD such as genital herpes and genital warts.



For majority of us, the idea of pulling down our underwear and finding something lumpy, sore or itchy, is something extremely dreadful. It is scientifically proven fact that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is very common. According to UK medical data just in 2015 in England alone 435,000 STI cases had been diagnosed.

Due this pervasive nature of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and STDs most of the people when find something strange on their sex organs they might assume that they are infected with STI. While in reality not everything appears on you genitals is STI.

Pearly penile papules is often confused with STDs because of this prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and STDs.


What IS Pearly Penile Papules (PPP)?

In general, Pearly Penile Papules manifests as small bumps on the ridges of the glans of the penis. They appear in several rows of little flesh covered, pearly, smooth bumps. They range in size from less than 1 mm to 3 mm forming a single or double row on or around the head of the penal shaft. They can vary in color and may look pink, yellow, white, or sometimes, translucent.

Pearly penile papules are also known as Hirsutoid Papillomas or Hirsuties Coronae Glandis. People make the mistake of thinking them as some STD or Genital Warts, but PPP is not a symptom of any Sexually Transmitted Disease.

Although we will dive deeper into why it occurs, one thing for sure is that it is not related to a lack of hygiene and also it will never impede the functioning of your sexual organs.

Someone suffering from this condition may lose self-esteem due to the fear of rejection by his sexual partners or anxiety about losing virility and decide to treat it with self-medication. Suffering in silence without consulting others is the only reason anyone might fail to address it.

As the penis is the most important part of a man, as it performs various important functions like reproduction, any problem with the penis can have an adverse effect on psychological health. A person who is scared is easier misled to the wrong form of medications or treatments. So do not get trapped. Instead, deal with PPP the right way.

People need not fear. As it is not a disease, removing it is your personal preference and can be considered as a cosmetic step. The another major issue that might scare you is the expense of surgical treatments, but you do not need to choose a surgery for such a minute problem. There are simple solutions to this problem that we will discuss later in this article.

If you find some small growths on the corona of your penis then it is possible that you might have PPP. There are different names and words used for PPP such as hirsutoid papillomas, papilloma and Tyson glands. PPP is a painless skin condition which affects men pains, it sometime confused with sexually transmitted diseases such as genital warts and genital herpes.

Other skin conditions that have attributes  resemble pearly penile papules include:

  • genital warts
  • molluscum contagiousum
  • And Fordyce spots

Basically PPP are small and gentle growths, painless and non-cancerous, there is no risk associated with it. The only problem the sufferer has the self-esteem issue because of the strange look of his vital sex organ. Girls are not ready to have relationship with him because of the fear that he might have some sort of STD such as genital warts or genital herpes.

Pearly Penile Papules have no specific color; it can be white, pink, and yellow or in very rare case can be translucent.

The size of these papules is not also fixed; but they are normally in range of 1 to 2 MM wide and 1 to 4 MM long resembling small pimples.

The shape and color of these painless papules can vary from person to person.

They are found in single or double row and located on the crown of the penis.

These pearly bumps are not infectious. The cause of causes of these penile skin issue is not known. But it is confirmed that they have no relationship with poor hygiene. They are not painful and itchy.

PPP is very common and almost 20 percent of male population is affected by this issue. But the good news that it has healthy consequences and not affecting the sexual performance of the sufferer as well as his fertility. As already mentioned it is safe to have this penile skin issue but it is something psychological because you penis has strange things.

Some men find these condition stressful especially when his sex partner is not feeling comfortable then for it is best to remove them. But don;t try to remove it by yourself. Avoid squeezing or popping the papules by yourself because it can lead to infection as well as scaring. However some recommended home remedies works best for removing these PPP without any side effects.

How Much The PPP Condition Is Prevalent?

How to Cure PPP


Also, note that you are not alone. It is a prevalent condition among young men in their twenties and thirties. The condition occurs in 30-48% of all people. Also it occurs mostly among uncircumcised males. These are found in 33.3% of uncircumcised men and 7.1 percent of circumcised males out of the total men population.

Finally, it’s not just men who suffer from PPP. The condition prevails among women too. In women, this condition has a similar appearance to Vestibular Papillomatosis. The scientific name for the same condition among women is Hirsuties Papillaris Vulvae. It can be confused with an outbreak of HPV infection or an STD. Remember, it is a regular occurrence of the human anatomy, so do not worry.

What Causes Pearly Penile Papules

Honestly, there is not any clear answer to what causes Pearly Penile Papules as it is not considered as a disease.

PPP is not a disease. It is a special anatomical growth. It is also not found in humans only but many animals and insects also have spikes on their genitals.

The Two Theories That Reveals What Causes Penile Papules

To understand the cause of PPP let’s dive into its history. Primal chimps and the early man used to have a penile spine for the same purpose. However, those bumps on the penis were not spiky, but much softer. Over the course of evolution, the penal spine became extinct.

Today’s pearly penile papules are the vestigial remnants of this penile spine which used to be found in our ancestors as well as other species. Over the span of time, most humans lost them, and it does not show up in every man anymore. Only a small portion of the population still shows these genetic characteristics.

Another theory is that the cause of PPP is large hair follicles, but this idea is not backed by significant evidence. Hair follicles are all over the body, but PPP is limited to the penis head. It nullifies the claim.

In short, PPP is an indication that you are unique and naturally gifted with a studded penis. You can live with, or you can treat it. The top advice is to learn to love life with it. Don’t think of removal if your partner accepts it because it adds to the sexual pleasure. If you still want to get rid of it, then check the treatment section later in this article.

Pearly Penile Papules Symptoms

Before opting for any treatment option, diagnose the condition accurately. The best way is to consult a doctor. Pearly penile papules are sometimes mistaken for similar circumstances like Genital Herpes or Fordyce Spots. So be sure of your diagnosis so that you do not apply the right medication on a wrong condition. Although it is easily curable, only perform such treatments with the approval of a physician. You need to differentiate among the following penile skin diseases.

  • Pearly Penile Papules

It is what we are talking about. Pearly Penile Papules are the small dome-shaped cluster of protrusions that, typically, are located on the sulcus or corona of the glans penis.

Commonly, penile papules are arranged in one or multiple circular rows and appear as some STD. These bumps are limited to the ridge of the glans and appear, in one or multiple rows, next to each other.

These bumps are limited to the ridge of the glans and appear, in one or multiple rows, next to each other. They can be pink can be pink or white in color and sometimes translucent. They range in size from less than 1 mm to 3 mm forming a single or double row on or around the head of the penal shaft. For sure, consult a doctor and make sure your penis bumps are Pearly Penile Papules and not something else.

  • Fordyce Spots

The best way to describe these lumps is that they have a similar appearance to body acne. The Fordyce Spots are not contagious by skin-to-skin contact. It is also not a sexually transmitted disease.

These lumps show up in the sebaceous gland located inside the penis. When the glands are clogged, bumps start to appear on the surface.

If you happen to see a yellowish-white discharge, it is most likely a clogged gland or sebaceous cyst. A clogged sebaceous gland will cause small lumps to appear on the penis.

Fordyce Spots are not painful and easily treatable. One only needs gentle exfoliation to cure it. Some patients have found treatment through using body washes that contain either salicylic acid or  Benzoyl Peroxide.

  • Genital Herpes

The appearance of these bumps is alarming for serious concern. Genital herpes is a form of the sexually transmitted disease. This STD is a contagious virus spread through skin-to-skin contact during sexual intercourse.

Herpes is a dreaded STD because there is no 100% cure and small lumps will keep on appearing. These pieces can be managed, but the virus will remain present in your system.

The symptoms of genital herpes are different than pearly penile papules symptoms in three ways. First, they are painful and make you itch. Second, it leads to further serious conditions if left untreated. Third, they can appear anywhere on the penis and not just the ridges of the glans.

Available Options To Cure Pearly Penile Papules

There are many treatments for getting rid of pearly penile papules. Some are cheap, and some may cost you a lot, so choose wisely.

As mentioned, the penile papules is not a disease, so treatment is performed by dermatologists and not by any doctor. The treatment process is called cosmetic surgery because as it is linked to the aesthetic look of the penis.

(A) Surgical Treatments To Cure Penile Papules

To help educate our readers, we enlisted some treatment methods available to get rid of pearly penile papules. These methods should be used only as a last resort.

01) One of the treatment methods is through the use of an instrument called a hyfrecator. To commence the process, the doctor uses an anesthetic cream to numb the area and vaporizes the pimples using an AC electric current.

Once the treatment is done, you can get back to your normal life immediately. However, it is recommended that you avoid sex or masturbation for about ten days as your skin requires some time to recover. It is an expensive treatment and may cause some permanent scars.

02) Another different method of reducing the bumps is through excision surgery. In this procedure, the doctor or surgeon will use a scalpel or a lancet blade to cut the papules and remove them slowly one by one.

This treatment has very minimal accuracy, and the surrounding tissues of the affected area may also sustain damage. The use of a surgical knife to remove the papules will also cause severe and excess pain.

03) Freezing or Cryosurgery is also a method of getting rid of penile bumps. In this approach, the papules are frozen using liquid nitrogen, and they fall off on their own.

Most people do not opt this sort of treatment because the success rate is very low. Freezing may also affect some other tissues of the penis.

04) Another surgical method of treating papules is through a procedure called CO2 Laser Surgery. The surgeon or doctor uses highly concentrated carbon dioxide laser beams to vaporize or melt the papules in the affected region.

This procedure is recommended as an effective surgical method to treat PPP because it is more accurate than some and requires a shorter recovery time. However, it is very expensive and also painful. It also requires recovery medication that causes a little discomfort and the expected recovery period is 1-2 weeks.

Detailed Guide: PPP Surgical Treatments

(B) Home Treatments To Cure Penile Papules

Natural options are always the best for getting rid of pearly penile papules. Options are by far better than surgical options regarding safety, cost-effectiveness, and permanence. One must try these methods considering any surgery.

(1) Application of Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA): A little concentration AHA cream may be applied over the affected area spreading carefully so that it does not go outside the affected area. Repeat the process at least 2-3 times a day.

You will notice provided that after a few days of this treatment, the bumps will fall off by themselves. It is a very safe and efficient remedy to treat penile papules.

(2) Use Castor Oil: To start, clean the shaft and let it air dry. Apply plenty of castor oil using cotton swabs on the affected area 3-4 times a day. Try to leave it uncovered and continue the treatment until all the bumps are completely removed.

It is very safe and ensures a complete and permanent solution to pearly penile papules. It is important to look for a reliable manufacturer before buying a bottle of castor oil.

(3) Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment for a safe way of getting rid of the bumps. This ointment is proven to be effective. Apply it over the affected area at least twice a day. Leave twelve hours between applications.

This treatment is safe, cheap, and ensures a complete cure, but please do not use toothpaste for treating pearly penile papules as it may deter the condition.

Detailed Guide: PPP Home Treatments

5 Ridiculous Myths About Pearly Penile Papules

Whenever there is a lack of a true knowledge and scientific facts, pseudo doctors become more active and spread rumors and myths. The sufferer who is already feeling depressed is very prone to accept any simple advice of these quacks and follow their forms of PPP Treatments. Some of the myths are listed below, and it is advised not to worry about them as they are baseless and don’t affect your health.

  • Myth 01
  • Myth 02
  • Myth 03
  • Myth 04
  • Myth 05

Myth 01: PPP is an STD. Not only this, but it is also contagious and may spread to your partner.

Bust: No. You are being misguided. It is something which is a part of your anatomy and not contagious.

The reason I am sharing these baseless myths is to make society aware that there is nothing wrong with a man/partner/boyfriend who has pearly penile papules. On the contrary, it is safe for women if their partner is gifted with a barbed penis as it enhances the pleasure.

Must Read: Before You Go!

That was everything about pearly penile papules presented by PearlyBumps. To summarize, I would like to repeat that the pearly penile papules is a condition and not a disease. It is not harmful at all. It is all about the way you feel about your body. The only obvious concern of PPP is mild pain during sexual intercourse.

Surgical options to treat pearly penile papules have some side effects like itching or swelling. They are not permanent and usually, fade with time. If you have 2 hours, a lot of money, and two weeks for recovery, then go for the surgical treatment. If you have patience and a small amount of money, then just choose recommended home remedies.

I hope you have understood the pearly penile papules as it is and not scared of it anymore. The only reason to get it treated should be your aesthetic concerns not some health concerns. Good Luck!

Surgical Treatments To Get Rid Of Pearly Penile Papules

Penile pimples are small dome-shaped or thread-like skin-colored bumps that are typically located on the sulcus or corona of the glans penis. Although there are many treatments that we will discuss in this article to get rid of pearly penile papules yet it is a safe condition and you don’t have to treat it because it poses zero health risks.

It is not medically categorized as a disease but as a state of the body. Because it is not a disease so the treatment is not called a surgical process but a cosmetic process and is performed by dermatologists. The cost involved in cosmetic surgeries to get rid of PPP is very high. But there are alternatives.

Medical Options To Get Rid Of Pearly Penile Papules

Even though I am a supporter of home remedies to get rid of shaft pimples, I will explain every possible method available so you can be aware of all available options. Keep in mind that surgical methods should be used only as a last resort as they are very expensive.

P.S. I am not discussing the associated costs here as it could easily go out of the context. For a detailed cost comparison guide, Check This Article.

  1. Hyfrecator Method

One of the treatment methods is through the use of a hyfrecator, an instrument which uses an AC electric current stream to kill the pimples. To commence the process, the doctor uses a topical anesthetic cream to numb the hyfrecator is used to vaporize the pimples.

Once the treatment is done you can get back to your normal life immediately. However, it is recommended that you avoid sex or masturbation for about 10 days as your skin requires some time to recover. It is an expensive treatment and may cause some permanent scars.

  1. Excision Surgery

Another different method of reducing the bumps is through excision surgery. In this procedure, the doctor or surgeon will use a scalpel or a lancet blade to cut the papules and remove them slowly one by one.

This treatment has very minimal accuracy and the surrounding tissues of the affected area may also sustain damage. Use of a surgical knife to remove the papules will also cause severe and excess pain.

  1. Cryosurgery

Freezing or Cryosurgery is also a method of getting rid of penile bumps. In this method, the papules are frozen through the use of liquid nitrogen and they easily fall off on their own.

Most people do not opt for this sort of treatment because the success rate is very low. Freezing may also affect some the surrounding tissue on the penis.

  1. CO2 Laser Surgery

Another surgical method of treating papules is through a procedure called CO2 Laser Surgery. The surgeon or doctor uses highly concentrated carbon dioxide laser beams to vaporize or melt the papules in the affected region.

This procedure is recommended as an effective surgical method to treat PPP because it is more accurate than some and requires a shorter recovery time. However, it is very expensive and also painful. It also requires recovery medication that causes a little discomfort and the expected recovery period is 1-2 weeks.

Do You Really Need A Surgery To Cure PPP?

Misconceptions are even more dangerous than PPP itself. Some medical professionals use fear to pressure patients into a surgery. In most cases, a surgery is not needed to get rid of pearly penile papules and you can try some home remedies that can do the trick. Here’s A Complete List Of Home Remedies.

The only reason that you should treat it should be it:- you are self-conscious about your appearance. The reason for treatment should never be a fear of some diseases or loss of sexual virility because such ill-effects never occur.

The only harm ever reported is a slight pain during the sexual activity that is so mild that it decreases due to the pleasure of sexual activity. Some women have reported that PPP even increases sexual pleasure. If it does not negatively affect your self-esteem, you can just live with it.

What are Genital Warts?

On other hand genital warts are tiny small fleshy growths. These small fleshy growths can emerge on your penis upper thighs or scrotum, inside the anus or urethra. These warts can develop in cluster form or grow individually. They are usually painless. However sometime they can become inflamed and itchy. Even in some cases they can bleed.

Genital warts are STD (sexually transmitted diseases). This skin condition can easily transmit through skin to skin contact during sex. They virus responsible for its transfer from person to person is called HPV (human papillomavirus).

Warts are not a serious health issue. They don’t affect your healthy or affecting your fertility. But they are infectious and look unappealing.

There are different treatments available for removal of genital warts include;

  • Use of topical cream
  • Topical lotion
  • Removal by a certified medical professional

Similarities between Pearly Penile Papules and Genital Warts

PPP and genital warts share some common characteristics. Some of them include;

  • Both PPP and genital warts are painless.
  • They are not caused by poor hygiene.
  • They don’t give birth to serious health issue or issues.

Note: Don’t try to remove PPP or genital warts by yourself. Of course you can use home remedies or cream or lotion recommended by physicians to treat it at home. But the surgical removal of both PPP and Genital Warts must be done by a qualified medical professional.

Differences Between Pearly Penile Papules and Genital Warts


Pearly Penile Papules: They are small, mostly in uniform shape and are shiny as well. They are flesh and white colored and resemble pimples.

Genital Warts: They are fleshy colored. Mostly grow in clusters. And often are irregular in shape. They can found in both conditions either rough & hard or soft texture.


PPP: These pearly papules occur only on the head (corona or fulcrum) of your penis. These papules have the tendency to grow in close cluster around the base of your penis head.

Genital Warts: These warts enjoy freedom and can grow on your penis, inner thighs, anus or scrotum. They have the ability to grow inside the urethra or anus.


Pearly Penile Papules: As already mentioned PPP is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or STI. There is no known cause of this penis skin issue.

Genital Warts: These warts are STI (sexually transmitted infection). These warts are caused by virus (human papillomavirus-).  The most common types of HPV responsible for this skin issue include 6 and 11.

The main cause of genital warts is unprotected sex; the skin to skin contact when partner has genital warts.


 Pearly Penile Papules: You can get rid of these papules through application of laser therapy.

Genital Warts: There are different treatment available for genital warts removal such as prescription cream include; Aldara , ZOOARTS and Warticon. Other methods used for its removal include; cryotherapy, laser surgery or excision.

Causes Of PPP

Medical science is not yet aware of the actual cause of this skin condition but some experts say that they are blocked sebaceous glands. PPP can affect any man regardless of age, geographical location and sexual orientation.

Treatment of Pearly Penile Papules

As already mentioned that there is no known cause of this penile skin issue. So it is not possible to avoid it. It can’t prevented but the good news that it has no consequences for your health and sexual vitality so there is no need for its treatment. You can spend a normal life having this genital skin issue.

The medical profession has no specific treatment for preventing and curing this skin problem.

However, the existence of  PPP may be psychologically distressing. When you feel uncomfortable psychologically of having this skin issue, it is possible to remove these papules with following medical procedures:

  • Cryosurgery: in this medical treatment extreme temperature is used to freeze and then eliminate the targeted areas of tissue. This medical procedure is most commonly used for removal of harmful tumors. But due to flexibility of this procedure it can be used for destruction of benign growths such as PPP.
  • Laser surgery:In this medical process infrared rays are used. The heat is used to damage and dry skin cells. The procedure is used to remove pearly penile papules and smooth the skin.
  • Radiosurgery:In this procedure radiation is used to damage these unwanted growths. In this method radiation is used to target the area affected by pearly penile papules, resulting in its elimination.

All the above methods are safe for eliminating pearly penile papules but it is important to understand the implications of each these surgery. Each of these surgeries has its own pros and cons. So it is important to discuss the specific risks of each surgical procedure.

OTC (over the counter) medications such as genital warts creams are not recommended for treatment of pearly penile bumps. These over the countertop genital warts cream can cause skin scarring and irritation.

Are Pearly Penile Papules are Genital Warts?

Pearly Penile Papule completely different from genital warts.  Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for genital warts. Genital warts are sexually transmitted infection.  Genital warts can affect any body parts such anus, groin, thighs, lips, penis, mouth, scrotum, throat and tongue.  Genital warts are contagious and totally a different case from PPP.

The Key Take Away

The key take is very much obvious. Pearly penile papules is a harmless condition. If it is not taking a toll on your psychological health and your partner accepts it there is no need for a cure.

Moreover, the surgical methods are quite expensive and the disease may relapse. If there is a relapse you will lose the thousands of dollars that you spent on a surgery.

If you have PPP and want to get rid of it with noninvasive home remedies with just three days in the privacy of your own home then click on the image below…


How To Get Rid Of Hirsuties Coronae Glandis Naturally