How To Remove PPP With Toothpaste

It can be hard to share your problems with others. This is even trickier when the problem is related to sexual organs. Someone suffering from PPP can face embarrassment without knowing that getting rid of penis pimples is as easy as using pearly penile papules removal toothpaste for a few days.

PPP or hirsuties coronae glandis is a condition characterized by very tiny, but numerous, dome-shaped bumps on the penis. However, these dome-shaped bumps do not itch and are not inflamed or painful.

How To Get Rid Of Hirsuties Coronae Glandis Naturally

If you are suffering from Pearly Penile Papules and despite of continues assurances of your doctor you that these tiny papules around the corona of your penis is safe and nothing to do with your health, can’t solace the damage happening to your ego because you can’t explain it to your GF what these things are. And she wrongly presumed them for STD (sexually transmitted disease). Your life is safe but your sex life is completely ruined.

If your sex organ is affected by this condition then you will definitely find yourself in embarrassing situations especially in gym, having a date and even going to bath room. You don’t like and love the shape of your vital sex organ then how you can expect your sex partner will adore it.

Because of these psychological impacts on your day to day life, the sufferer of this condition is always in search of miracle to get rid of these papules. There are different medical treatments available for this penile skin issue from lotion to medical surgery but the bad thing associated with all these non-surgical and surgical methods is that the solution is not permanent and there is a greater chance of their reappearance.

Majority of medical professionals suggest surgery for elimination of these papules. But the main cons of surgical treatments are that the solution is not permanent as discussed already. Another bad thing associated with surgery is that it is not a cheap solution and you have to pay thousands of dollars for this treatment. The last drawback of removing ppp with surgical treatment is the disturbance of your routine life for couple of weeks and some pain suffering when the anesthesia effects come to end.

This is the reason majority of people suffering from this penile foreskin problem try some trusted and safe homed remedies.  Toothpaste is one of the safe and trusted home remedies for getting rid of pearly penile papules.

Although there is no harm living with penis pimples yet they appear as highly disgusting to your partner. Men suffering from it desire to get rid of them as they can be embarrassing, especially in the company of a sexual partner. Let’s learn about PPP removal with toothpaste.

Pearly Penile Papule  (PPP) is not a serious skin such as genital warts and genital herpes which are contagious and STD (sexually transmitted disease).  You can easily get rid of this skin disorder affects the corona of male sex organ glans with help of reliable, noninvasive and working home remedies. In this article how to remove PPP with toothpaste we will explore how to heal this skin issue with help of toothpaste.

How to Get Rid Of PPP with Toothpaste?

Can You Use Toothpaste on Pearly Penile Papules?

The answer is straight forward. Yes, you can use it without any confusion and can start it right now.

The main reason in support of using toothpaste for getting rid of PPP is that it is safe, it wouldn’t cause any harm or damage to your skin. Toothpaste comes with exceptional drying properties. So you can use it as a natural remover for this skin disease.

You can use any type of toothpaste for this purpose. There is no specifications you have to follow for finding it effective for removing these unwanted tags from your vital sex organ.

You can purchase this natural drying agent from anywhere you want such from your grocery store. So you don’t need to bother to visit the pharmacy for this purpose.

Another benefit of using toothpaste for pearly penile papules is that it is the cheapest method. When compared to other home remedies such castor oil or tea tree oil it is the cheap one. It is safe and it wouldn’t damage your skin. One toothpaste pack is sufficient for whole treatment course.

Before starting this treatment it is important to watch the shape and size of the bumps. You can take a picture of it with your smartphone so you can compare it with previous positions.

The treatment is comparatively fast than other holistic and home remedies used for removing papules. For some men it works very fast and the results are noticed within three to four days. If you are lucky one, you will also notice these fast reductions. So hope and pray the treatment show the same fast healing effects as well for you.

How To Remove PPP With Toothpaste

Once you start this holistic, natural home treatment for your penile papules you will notice gradual reduction in their size. For getting the fast and satisfactory results it is important to regularly use it. When you start this treatment the papules will get small in size with passage of time and applications.

It is important to stick to this method until these bumps are not completely gone. Consistency is very important for this natural method to give results. The more you stick to this remedy, the more effective the results you will get.

It is the cheap and effective home remedy, so don’t waste your time and money on expensive treatments.

The only thing you, you need to keep in mind when buying toothpaste for this treatment is that it must be free of mint and whitening agent because these two things can irritate or cause rash your skin.

Best Toothpaste For PPP Removal

Different types of toothpaste have different effects when it comes to reliability and effectiveness. For example, when one applies the gel-like type of toothpaste on PPP, the results are futile and there will be no reduction of the papules as expected.

Only a basic white toothpaste can be used as the best toothpaste for PPP. The Fluoride, present in the basic white toothpaste, acts as the key player.

How to Use Toothpaste for PPP Removal?

You Should follow the following steps for eradicating pearly penile papules with simple toothpaste procedure:

  • First buy any kind of toothpaste but remember that it is mint free as well as don’t have whitening agents as already discussed these two ingredients can cause skin irritation or rashes. You can easily get perfect toothpaste for this treatment from your local drug store or grocery shop whatever you find convenient.
  • When and how to use toothpaste on your penis? Time is especially important for getting optimum benefits from this homed remedy. Before bed time is the perfect time for apply it to papules. But before applying it to these tiny bumps it is important to thoroughly wash your sex organ with water and a mild soap. Use mild soap. And don’t use all those soaps that come with some perfumes or additive. Medicate soap might a perfect option. Read the information on the package of the soap you use for cleaning your penis before applying toothpaste. Why you need to use a simple perfume and additive free soap, the reason is simple, it is important for toothpaste to show its maximum drying effects. If there is something on the surface of your penis that hinders toothpaste from its drying effects then you will not get the best results. So use the soap free of perfume and additive. The more natural the soap is (loaded with fewer ingredients) the better for your skin will be.
  • After washing the penis with simple and natural soap, it is now the time to dry it thoroughly with a clean towel.
  • Now apply a layer of the toothpaste to penile papules. How to apply the paste and how much the quantity of it should are also important to consider. Therefore you need to apply paste thick enough to cover the papules but not too thick that I wouldn’t dry out.
  • Warp a bandage or the plastic warp wrap around the area toothpaste is applied. Tape the area so that the paste stays in place and wouldn’t rub off.
  • Leave the toothpaste whole night.
  • Rinse off the toothpaste thoroughly in the morning.
  • Repeat the procedure daily without skipping.
  • It wouldn’t work in one or two days. It a natural method of removing the penile papules with dry effects of toothpaste so it will take time. So be consistent and patient!

This is the simple process of getting rid of pearly penile papules (PPP) in the privacy of your home. It is slow process but it will work, so for this innocuous method to work you need to remain consistent and patient.

With this simple and easy to use PPP removal system you will see results in couple of weeks and you don’t need to worry about the embarrassment you feel you currently have to off your clothes.

In couple of days you will get your confidence back and don’t need to worry about penis papules and explain what these strange things around the corona of your organ are!

Does Toothpaste Method For PPP Removal Work?

No doubt, Pearly Penile Papules Removal with toothpaste is a great way for attaining an aesthetic penis yet don’t assume it to be a quick and fast solution. It may take a few weeks to kill PPP.

However, it doesn’t work for everyone. In a true sense, the same home remedy cannot work for everyone as different skins react differently.

Go on a hot date and enjoy your sex with confidence. You don’t need to conceal your organ and shy to have oral sex when your girlfriend loves it.

You will get a smooth, healthy and natural skin free of these obscure bumps in couple of days in privacy of your home.

These pearly bumps are not STD, but your sex partner will find hard to believe in when you explain it to them. But with this simple toothpaste application you can easily clean your penis off these pearly tags in same and private way. A beauty of this method is it is extremely cheap, just you need ordinary toothpaste.

So don’t waste your time and spoil your sexual life with these papules more. Buy a simple, mint and whitening agent free toothpaste for cleaning your penis in just couple of days.

Why Toothpaste for Removing Pearly Penile Papules?

The answer to this question is simple as toothpaste comes with drying properties. Toothpaste is used for treating different skin issue such as acne, apply on burnt spots and more. So you will also find it useful for eliminating Pearly Penile Papules.

For this home remedy you just need toothpaste. Wash the affected area with antibacterial soap and warm water. Dry it with clean towel. Then apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the affected area. It is important to do this process at night time well before when you are going to sleep. After applying the toothpaste on the affected area leave it, there is no need for any bandage. In the morning wash it with water. In the coming night repeat this process again with same steps! For getting some results from this safe home remedy it is important to continue it for three to four weeks.

How Does Toothpaste Method Work

  • In the humid environment, the pearly pimples tend to be more protruded. On the contrary, when in the dry environment they are lighter. If you apply toothpaste on PPP it permanently sucks every moisture and dries the cells underneath the skin. As PPP toothpaste results, they fall off.
  • Fluoride, the element in toothpaste, is the active ingredient necessary to ensure the papules peel off the skin. Moreover, soluble salts present in toothpaste help in dissolving the pearly penile papules.

A regular schedule of toothpaste application to the affected area will cause the papules to eventually dry up and begin to peel off from the surface of the skin. They tend to fall off during bathing, but let it happen on its own and do not peel them yourself.

PPP Toothpaste Results (Positive)

The pearly penile papules removal toothpaste method, on its own, has some added advantages over other methods. You can expect some results as:

  • Using toothpaste method as a cure is a cheap and effective way of fighting the condition. Otherwise, pearly penile papules removal cost can be too high.
  • Another advantage of this particular method is its simplicity. It only requires cleaning the affected area and applying the toothpaste on PPP before bed followed by a thorough cleaning of the area of application in the morning.
  • It is a method that many will opt for since it does not require a fully qualified medical practitioner to administer the toothpaste.
  • It is confidential and less embarrassing as it does not involve showing one’s genitals to a different person.

PPP Toothpaste Results (Negative)

The method has its own disadvantages. This includes the possibility of harming the soft skin around the affected area. Basically, this comes down to the selection of the proper pearly penile papules removal toothpaste.

If no positive results are noted after the application of the toothpaste, within a few days, stop the treatment with immediate effect so as to not aggravate the condition further.

Toothpaste PPP Side Effects

Toothpaste method is safe. It has no side effects So you can use it with confidence. The method is slow as already mentioned and it will take some time to work so be patient.

Other Home Remedies For Removing PPP

Castor Oil

Castor oil is the trusted solution for different health problems; internal and external. It comes with properties for healing different skin issues so you can use it for PPP. The process for healing pearly penile papules with castor oil is simple; you just need to buy a bottle of castor oil and some cotton swab.

Before treating the PPPP with castor oil it is necessary to wash your penis thoroughly with soap and warm water and then dry it. After perfectly dry it then apply ample amount of castor oil with help of cotton swabs on the PPP, not using any bandage and leave it as. You have to repeat this castor oil based treatment 3 to 4 times per day for getting optimum benefits from this holistic homed based treatment. This castor oil method will not give results in few days you have to wait; patience and consistency is important.

Tea Tree Oil

Another trusted home remedy for getting rid of pearly penile papules is tea tree oil. For this holistic and natural home remedy you need a bottle of tea tree oil and cotton swab.

Wash the PPP affected area with antibacterial soap and warm water. Then dry it with towel and apply tea tree oil with help of cotton swab, leave it without using any bandage. Repeat this tea tree oil treatment at least three to four times per day for achieving optimum benefits from this method.

If you are looking for some fast solution to get rid of PPP in just 3 days then click on this link.

What Is Pearly Penile Papule?

In medical word used for pearly penile papule is Hirsuties coronae glandis. Another word used for this male sex organ skin disorder is hirsutoid papillomas. Pearly Penile Papules are small white/pink/translucent color tags/bumps found around the corona of the penis glans. They exist in either one row or in multi rows. It is not a STD, contagious skin issue such as genital herpes and genital warts. They are painless but some patients feel some pain during sexual intercourse.

Causes Of PPP

The medical professionals are not aware of the actual cause of these papules but some doctors say that they are basically the blocked sebaceous glands.

Must Read: Before You Go

Using pearly penile papules removal toothpaste is effective, but requires some extra care. It is a safe method as long you are choosing the right formula and following the right process.

If you want to try a few different remedies to find out one that suits you. I suggest checking this complete list of PPP home remedies. Hope that helped.

Toothpaste Method for Removal Of Pearly Penile Papules

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