How To Get Rid of PPP On Shaft

Pearly Penile Papules or PPP is basically a skin disorder; the first good news is that it is not an STD (sexually transmitted disease) like genital herpes and genital warts. The second good news that you can easily heal it with home based remedies. In this skin disease there are small bumps appear on the penis of the sufferer.

How To Get Rid of Pearly Penile Papules On Shaft How To Get Rid of PPP On Shaft

These domes around the corona of the penis are harmless but the condition is slightly painful during sexual intercourse.

The medical profession is not 100% aware of the real cause or causes of this skin condition, there are some medical professionals according to their conception these papules are basically the blocked sebaceous glands.

The PPP sufferer feels no big change in his life just as there is no pain associated with it but real problem is the self-esteem and confidence loss because of the anomalous look of the vital sex organ. The sex partner will suspect these tags or domes as STD and will not be ready to have sex with sufferer. So to get back your confidence it is highly important to get rid of it.

There are medical and home PPP Disease Treatment are available. Trusted medical methods is Laser CO2, there are other methods also available but not as effective as Laser CO2 these less effective methods are Radiosurgery, Cryosurgery or Freezing, Electro-desiccation with Curettage using Hyfrecator, Excisional Surgery. These methods have side effects and the recovery process will take time. The main problem with this skin condition is that it can reappear. Financial cost also needs to be considered as laser therapy is not a cheap process. You also need to discuss the chances of success with your doctor.

There are safe and effective home remedies are available for getting rid of this embarrassing situation. The main benefits of home remedies include;

  • They are highly effective if done in proper way with patience and regularity; the healing process is permanent and you will not get into situation, in case you have again the problem then you can again try these safe and low cost home procedures.
  • There is no side effects as well as pain associated with these noninvasive home remedies
  • They are very cheap
  • No routine disturbance; no need for hospitalization and time for recovery
  • The ingredients are easily available
  • It will not disturb your sexual routine

These home remedies are further divided into two categories;

  • Common Home Remedies such as Toothpaste, Castor Oil, Alpha Hydroxyl Acid, and Tea Tree Oil etc. These traditional home remedies are slow
  • Advanced, Fast and Highly Effective Home Remedies

The traditional home remedies are slow and they will clear your pearly penile papules completely within few months; patience and consistency is required. While the improvised and advanced home remedies are fast in action and give instant result, you haven’t to wait too much, in couple of days of you will get rid of these bumps completely.

If you are looking for a holistic, home-based fast track system for eliminating these bumps in just 3 days then click on this link << Natural Home Based Day 3 Days Pearly Papules Removal System>>