Sonu’s Diabetes Secret Reviews By Karen Richardson Does sonus diabetes secret Really work or Not?

Sonu's Diabetes Secret By Karen Richardson

Every day we hear something new about this life-lasting health issue, diabetes. Researchers are busy finding a solution for it, but unfortunately, it is still a mystery. And this is the reason you are on this page about Sonu’s Diabetes Secret by Karen Richardson. Whether this holistic and natural collection of home-based remedies work or not is a matter of discussion we will explore in the coming paragraphs of this article. But in brief words, it is a paradigm shift when we compare it to traditional allopathic treatment for type 2 diabetes.

This natural home treatment protocol works for keeping Diabetes Type 2 under control. It can keep the blood sugar within healthy limits without the support of pharma-based medicines as claimed by the person behind it.

It works almost for all age groups. You can use it with confidence if your age is from 21 to 85.

Another thing mentioned by the author of this natural program is its relevance for all cases of sugar, from minor to serious ones.

Does this Karen Richardson Sonu’s Diabetes Secret work? Please follow the information listed below for a comprehensive understanding of the pros and cons associated with it.

Sonu's Diabetes Secret By Karen Richardson

Let move the most frequently asked question about this product.

Current Customers’ Testimonial 

“It took my blood sugar down 284 points in only three weeks and it is so easy and I love that it is all natural and no needles – my doctor was smiling ear to ear after seeing my numbers”.

James Altuchar

“I was very skeptical … but now … my blood sugar went down from 342 to 118 … my A1C dropped from 9.4 to 6.7 … my energy levels doubled …. Blood pressure from very high to a good 122/84 now … aches and pains nearly completely gone .. and no more “brain fog”.

Maragaret Winhelm

“My d***** is now officially gone. My doctor said I can stop taking drugs and gone is my toenail fungus, and tingling and burning in my legs and feet”.

Mike Angelito

What is Sonu’s Diabetes Secret?

Sonu’s Diabetes Secret(SDS) is a natural treatment for Type-2 Diabetes patients.

It is an eBook. You can read it while using all types of devices such as a computer, SmartPhone, or tablet.

Once your buy it, you are provided with instant access to download the eBook.

In this generous package, you will get seven books as a bonus besides the main product. EBooks provide you with a path for a healthy lifestyle. The following eBooks you will get in this package.

  1. The “Energy Blast” Fruit To Eat Every Day In The Afternoon
  2. 5 Foods for “Super Immunity” Against and Infections
  3. What To Tell Your Doctor About This Secret
  4. The Asian Amazing Weight Loss Secret
  5. Recipes That Will Save You $1,560.00 a Year Over Store-Bought Products
  6. The Best Vegetable For Pain Relief
  7. Surprise Mystery Bonus

It is a hundred percent safe investment. The product is backed by 365 days money-back guarantee. So there is no reason to avail this opportunity for a healthy life.

The SDS system claims to provide solutions for different symptoms associated with diabetes.

According to the team behind this protocol, the SDS is:

  • This Diabetes control program works for people of almost all age groups from 21 to 85 years.
  • People of all levels of Type-2 Diabetes can use it with confidence. So it is an ideal solution for all folks with just erratic blood sugar and those with serious symptoms.

On the product website, there is a claim that this holistic blood sugar control system can help you out to get rid of all those medicines you are on in your daily routine. It is an affordable and easy-to-follow treatment for blood glucose control.

This natural cure system makes it possible to eliminate all types of drugs and insulin shots your body needs to keep blood sugar under control.

So this is a simple and easy way to get rid of diabetes-related medicines that come with scientifically proven side effects.

This natural blood sugar control system not only controls your blood glucose level and keeps it within healthy limits. But at the same time brings other health benefits such as weight loss, energy and more.

So by following the steps and recommendations in this guide, you can get a lot of benefits with much less spending than medicines and insulin shots because all the ingredients are affordable and easily available in the supermarket.

You can get rid of all those prescribed medicines you are currently on for controlling diabetes. It provides a simple, safe, and less expensive way of protecting your body from the side effects of medicines while at the same time keeping your blood sugar within healthy limits.

Another claim you will find in this blood sugar control protocol is that doctor-prescribed medicines don’t work for all people. But the food mentioned in this course works for all. It is a natural way of treating blood glucose without any side effects.

It provides access to control diabetes while enjoying all the food you love to eat in your daily routine.

According to Karen simple changes one’s routine diet is just enough to make a huge difference. Sonu’s diet formula is totally different from the diet plans suggested by doctors and dieticians for healthy blood sugar levels.

The benefits of Sonu’s formula are long-lasting. It not only beneficial for your sugar but it will keep your overall health in good shape. The ingredients in this natural remedy for diabetes are simple, easy to access, and affordable. And it also doesn’t change the taste of your routine eating. You can consume these ingredients in any combination. There are no hard fast rules to follow.

You can easily introduce them into your daily diet without even feeling the slight effect of the change of taste of your foods.

The program provides the user with a lot of basic but important information in simple jargon to understand. For example why the blood sugar causes inflammation?

Why the traditional medicine for this health issue such as metformin non-effectiveness and so on. While on other hand it supports the effectiveness of natural foods.

It also highlights the importance of sulforaphane, glucoraphanin, and nobiletin in the diet.

It is scientifically proven that 90 percent of Type-2 diabetes is curable. So instead of depending on pharmaceutical medicines, you can easily reverse your type-2 diabetes with this easy, affordable, and effective home-based formula.

How The Sonu’s Diabetes Secret Come into Existence?

The focal person behind this sugar control system is Karen Richardson.

Karen Richardson is a school teacher by profession. She is a single mom of two children. So let’s move to the birth story of this program.

It was a horrible night for Karen. It was 8 PM. She was busy with her routine. Her grandson loves chocolate chip cookies. So she was busy baking cookies for him. Suddenly she started to feel dizzy and lightheaded and then collapsed.

She was shifted to hospital, where doctors told her that she had a stroke but luckily she survived. Her doctor told her that her fasting blood sugar was 147 and A1C of 7.2 that was enough to cause her a stroke.

So the next thing was medicines for a lifetime. Her doctor prescribed metformin the common medicine for this health issue.

But after some days of its use, she started suffering from its side effects.

Her doctor prescribed two more medicines for avoiding the side effects of metformin.

Besides medicine packs, she also received some more bad news from her doctor.

After stroke doctors prescribed her Metformin. Metformin worked for the first week or 10 days. But the side effects of this medicine such as extreme weakness, tiredness, trouble breathing, nausea, and vomiting were just a nightmare.

To counteract the side effects of this drug her doctor put her on two more drugs. Besides those two additional drugs, another bad news from the doctor was the use of insulin injection.

“But before insulin injections, she wanted to give a change to natural solutions first”, she said to her doctor. Her doctor agreed with this proposal of managing controlling sugar with better eating and exercise.

So her doctor suggested consulting a dietician and nutritionist. It sounded good to her. She thought that dietician solution could be better than these nasty drugs and insulin injections with alarming side effects. But it was wishful thinking.

The meeting with the dietician and nutritionist was not less disastrous than the doctor.

The suggested course of action was not something practical for her to implement. It was not a thing for a woman of 54. The course of actions they suggested was just ideal for a 21-year-old fitness model who had a small appetite and fast metabolism. And she was rich as well as didn’t have a busy life schedule.

In simple words the outcome of this meeting with the dietician was;

  • Say goodbye to all those things she loves to eat
  • 100 percent ban on eating any carbs or sugar
  • Less and careful eating like a bird while more exercise like a maniac

After the disappointment with both doctor and dietician, she started her journey of natural cure for this life spoiler.

Now Google was the place she tried to find a natural solution for this problem. She tried many things available online such as KETO, Intermittent Fasting, and more. But the results were very disappointing.

One of the big reasons that these things didn’t work for her because she loved to eat. And all these programs depend on to control your eating habits.

When the online diet course failed to work she then shifted her attention to supplements. These supplements also didn’t work for her.

A journey with diabetes continued when there was no hope to get rid of it.

Finally, a day came when she got life-changing information. She watched National Geographic TV show about a nation of a small Asian country with very low diabetes ratings. In the show, it was explained how this small nation has a very low diabetes rating compared to people of the western world especially the US.

She visited this small Asian country to see, how this natural sugar control system work.

There she met with sensei a health savior named Sonu. Thousands of people from all over the world come to meet him for unlocking the secret of natural blood sugar management.

In this meeting, Sonu introduced her to ways of living of the locals which included following of 2 hundred-year-old sugar control program while enjoying foods rich in fats and sweets.

In this meeting, Sonu taught Karen the working of a simple plan. After practical implementation and satisfactory results, Karen compiled her findings in form of eBook called Sonu’s Diabetes Secret (SDS).

The 9 Secret Foods For Blood Sugar Control

This whole natural diabetes control system revolves around 9 secrets foods. These nine healthy blood sugar level foods support lowering blood sugar inflammation. Low blood sugar inflammation assists in diabetes, supports weight loss and numerous health benefits also.

Karen mentioned all these 9 amazing foods in Sonu’s Diabetes Secret. She kept the 8 foods secret while revealed one ingredient “White Mulberry”. Let’s explore them one by one.

The #1 Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food White Mulberry

This sweet berry is similar to raspberry and blackberry. It comes from a tree named Mulberry. There are two types of the mulberry; white and black. In this secret blood sugar control formula, you need white mulberry.

Why White Mulberry?

There is a scientific reason for including it in this diet plan. White mulberry comes with a special antioxidant named DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin). This special antioxidant doesn’t allow the breakdown of a lot of carbohydrates into sugar.

It slows down the carbohydrates flow into the bloodstream in form of sugar. So there is no instant spike in blood sugar level.

White Mulberry also aids transporter compound named GLUT4. It enhances the performance of GLUT4. Because of the material enhancement in its performance, the transporter compound more efficiently removes glucose out of the bloodstream into muscles and liver cells.

So in simple words, it works likes a sugar filter.

Mulberry also improves body metabolism. So it serves as a natural remedy for controlling blood sugar.

The #2 Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food A Special Kind of Yogurt

The yogurt mentioned in this holistic diabetes control system is quite different from the one recommended by the traditional medical world. It is a type of yogurt science now supports while certain people have known it for over 200 years.

It works magically for reducing blood sugar levels.

Why this special type of yogurt is included in this diet plan?

This special type of yogurt enhances the performance of pancreas friendly hormone called GLP-1. The GLP-1 performs multiple direct actions on the pancreas.

This GLP-1 hormone increases blood insulin while at the same time curtails the level of blood glucose.

Yogurt also comes with a generous amount of fiber that is also essential for reducing the sudden increase of sugar in the bloodstream. It also supplies the body with healthy fats.

#3. Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food Of Special Kind of Cabbage

This special type of cabbage has an abundance of two diabetes control-friendly nutrients called sulforaphane and glucorahanin.

Both these nutrients come with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. The cabbage anti-inflammatory property is highly effective against insulin resistance development as well as type-2 diabetes.

#4. Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food A Common Household Spice

For your information, it is not cinnamon that is quite common in other nations named it the diabetes destroyer.

This common household spice aids oxidative stress under diabetic conditions through inhibition of lipid peroxidation.

This common spice also comes with properties that help prevent and/or delay kidney damage.

#5 Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food A Tasty Vegetable and Spice

This ingredient of the secret diabetes formula enhances the sensitivity of the body to the insulin that supports the management of type-2 diabetes. So there is less resistance to insulin. Insulin is more efficiently used. As a result, there is better management of blood sugar levels.

The role of insulin is highly important in glucose utilization. When our body is exposed to a high amount of glucose then our cells may become insulin resistant. So our body needs more insulin for moving glucose from the blood into cells.

In response to levels of glucose in our blood, insulin is produced in the pancreas. The insulin is then inactivated in the liver.

Therefore it is necessary for better and efficient use of the insulin it is important the more insulin remains in the bloodstream to be used by the cells. But the liver removes 50 percent of this pancreas-generated insulin when it passes through it reducing its availability.

According to this research compounds found in this tasty vegetable prevent the metabolism of insulin by the liver. So there is more free insulin for your body.

#6 Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food A Red Popular Spice

According to a recent study, it reduces type-2 diabetes significantly.

#7 Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food  A Delicious Grain

This delicious grain is rich in nutrients like chromium. The role of this essential mineral scientifically proved in regulation insulin. Furthermore, it is also important for other related functions such as protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism.

Chromium also enhances body insulin efficiency so there is less wastage of it.  Studies show that people suffering from type-2 diabetes have a lower level of this mineral.

#8 Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food  A Delicious Little Sweet Fruit

Diabetes and obesity are interrelated to some extent. This delicious sweet fruit is a rich source of nutrients named nobiletin. Nobiletin significantly reduces obesity as well as reverses its side effects.

#9 Healthy Blood Sugar Level Food  A Vegetable A Natural Insulin Source

It comes with insulin-like chemicals highly effective to lower blood sugar and A1C levels in type-2 diabetes patients.

Pros and Cons of Sonu’s Diabetes Secret


  • Freedom to eat and drink whatever you like, zero restrictions
  • Highly satisfying results
  • Easy and simple plan to follow
  • Not expensive, affordable easy to find items we use in our daily routine.
  • Holistic ingredients
  • No chemicals, no medicines, so no side effects
  • Lose weight without dieting and exercise
  • Immunity booster
  • Instant access after purchase, no delivery delay


  • It only works for people in the age range of 21 to 85
  • Only available in eBook form


A big slice of the world population is suffering from diabetes. Traditional pharmaceutical-based treatment only recommends medicines for the management of it. But it is a fact for the majority of people it doesn’t work. You have to depend on these medicines for the rest of your life. And these medicines also have dangerous side effects because they are chemicals. So every diabetic looking for a natural remedy to manage this health issue while avoiding side effects associated with drugs. If you are looking for a holistic treatment for your type-2 diabetes then Sonu’s Diabetes Secret is just a perfect solution for you. The product is affordable while its implementation is just simple and less expensive. So don’t wait and give it a chance for change. It may be a life-changer for you! Good LUCK!

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